Saturday, June 28, 2014

Solstice Camping 2013

A year ago on the summer solstice, Orion, Zac and I went camping at Clinton Lake.

When we walked down to the lake from our campsite, there were millions of butterflies. They were so beautiful and it was magical to walk through them all.

"Take a picture of me up here, Mama!"

He called these boots his goat climbing boots. Like he can climb like a goat when he wears them. : ) 

O for Orion. Every man's gotta have a walkin' stick.

Orion spotted this cool butterfly on the way back to the campsite.

We wore him out! I love how peaceful he looks. So precious.

I also made these butterflies and flower last year. I think I'm going to make a garland out of small crochet objects like this. Someday...


She does't just sit down and color often, but she was this day. So sweet!

{ green }

{ peace }

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