Monday, March 24, 2014

December 2013

Christmas Cookies!

One of my last vivid memories of Scot was the making of Christmas cookies at Grandma and Grandpa Hamlin's house.

I have a picture very similar to the above from that year, four years ago.

[Okay, after I had already planned this post, I decided to go back and look at those pictures from four years ago. And couldn't pass up posting these next four as a tribute to old friends and young kids. Hope you enjoy this blast from the past as much as I did.

Which led to this one...

So little, so dainty...

Time tunnel back to 2013]




of cookies!

For the kids' birthdays this year, we took them to the Cosmosphere.

They got to try out the hurricane simulator. It was super windy!

Orion got a little bored at the museum.

I believe Maebelle took this one of me.

And Maebelle also took the next two.

I love how you can see her in the monitor with the camera. Great shot, Maebelle!

Moments before the longest drive from Hutchinson to Lawrence in the history of drives from Hutchinson to Lawrence.

But the snow was beautiful for about 5 minutes and we made it home safely. :) And it was a wonderful trip!

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