Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Spring Arrives (yes, I'm a few months behind)

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted a blog! So this one takes us from snow (unfortunately, one of the few snowy days we had this winter) at the beginning of March, through the welcoming of spring at the end of March.

Orion was preparing for our journey to Wisconsin long before we actually took the trip. He continually got his fishing equipment out to make sure it was in order for months in advance of our trip.

Orion loves to make Lego creatures and give them as gifts.

This crabby-looking fellow sat in our kitchen for months before I asked him to take it back and return the pieces to his collection.

The only way he would do that was if I took pictures of it first to preserve it forever. : )

The beginnings of spring are arriving! Redbud trees are one of my favorites!

And the hostas. Hostas always entrap me when I have my camera with me.

They just have such beautiful greens and such lovely shapes to the leaves as they are in the first few days of life above ground again.

These redbud flowers are a bit more vibrant than the first ones. The purples and pinks of the delicate flowers are more saturated and more pleasing to my eyes.

Maebelle completed her last year of elementary school at the end of May. So I have taken a few more pictures than normal of her. They're to come very soon.

Also, we took a wonderful week-long vacation to Somo Lake recently, so hopefully I can get those up before winter! ; )

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