Friday, July 30, 2010

Manitou Springs

After the Garden of the Gods, we headed for Manitou Springs. The first stop once downtown was ice cream! It was a warm day and the kids were ready for a cool treat. (And I was, too...I'm always in the mood for ice cream!)

Then we set out to see what else we could find.

We stopped to have some old timey photos taken of the kids. They loved choosing their own outfits to wear and were not shy at all. After the shots, Orion was getting antsy while waiting, so we went outside to hang out where he could shoot his gun without interrupting anything.

I love the signs on this store.

I love grass!

This frog makes me smile! :)

On the way home from Manitou Springs there were storm clouds moving in so I took this shot as we were driving - something I don't do often. But I love the brightness of the stone (which Zac decided would have made an amazing fortress) contrasted with the dark, dark clouds.

More to come soon!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mini Vacation to "the Mountains!"

We recently took a trip to Colorado Springs to visit some family. While there, we were able to see a few things. First on our list was Garden of the Gods. It was a fabulous place to take a couple of kids who are ready to get some energy out. They climbed and jumped and had a grand old time!

"The Mountains!" are in the background. Orion LOVED the mountains and wanted to go to them every time we discussed leaving the house. I think he really wanted to climb one, but he didn't get a chance...maybe next time, O.

I love the way the kids have their hands out in the last one.

That one's so vibrant!

After the Garden of the Gods we stopped in Manitou Springs for some ice cream and old timey photos of the kids. The charming streets of Manitou are next, so check back in a few days.