Maebelle and I did a project for my mom for her birthday where we transferred a picture onto a wooden block. It was really fun! The picture was of Maebelle and these are the others from that evening that I love.
Just. Wow.
I absolutely cannot believe how grown up she's acting and looking these days!
She's playing softball this year. Last year she played baseball on the team Zac coached and Orion also played on. She was the only girl that played baseball in that age group. So this is a whole new world for her. She's really been enjoying it!
Pensive? Damn, she was going for thoughtful. (10 Things I Hate About You.)
This is the evening of her 5th grade recognition.
The "I think I just stepped in gum" pose:
She had her hair in braids during the day so that she could take them out and have crimpey hair during the ceremony. : )
Fun on (and jumping off) the log!
Here she is right before walking down the aisle to her seat for the recognition ceremony (or graduation, as she called it).
Ms. King reading the names, Ms. Becker handing the certificates.
The 5th grade teachers put together a slide show that included kid pictures of everyone. Maebelle thought the one where she drew all over herself with Grandma in Alaska would be fun since she basically was a living art canvas for the whole year.
The best part about the slide show was hearing the kids reactions to their peers' pictures. You could tell they loved them. Every single picture got a reaction from the whole 5th grade class. It was heartwarming.
All. Smiles.
Where I grew up, there was only one middle and one high school in our district. Therefore you were only adding kids to the whole class with each change.
For Maebelle, most of her friends will go to different middle schools than her, and likely high school as well. This made this evening exceptionally special for her. In fact, her and her friends had so much fun together the last few weeks of school.
Lastly, Maebelle and Ms, King. One last time.
Told you it was a lot of Maebelle. Next will be Orion fishing on the last day of school.
Then...VACATION!!! : )