I mean puppy. But you couldn't tell by the way we treat him. : )
Anyway, from the beginning: On our way to pick up the sweetest little puppy there ever was, Maebelle and I traded taking pictures of each other.
I have been really impressed with how much she seems to enjoy taking pictures. I am glad to be able to share this with her.
We went to a farm outside of Baldwin City to pick up our bundle of soft, cuddly, roly-poly cuteness.
I thought I was going to let him sit with the kids on the way home, but I ended up hogging him the whole way. He was so warm and sweet, I just couldn't give him up. : )
Here he is, Cedar.
All the family:
He loves cave-like spaces. Anything small and dark. Here he is cuddling with the ducky bunny we (Orion) shared with him.
So precious!
The kiddo loves dead leaves. The crunchy ones.
And Maebelle loves him. She takes such great care of him. She is learning lots of necessary skills from having a puppy. They both are, really. I knew it would be good for the kids to have some responsibility, but I have been very impressed with the way they have handled it so far.
I love how regal he is. He has such poise. Such majesty.
In his shoulders anyway. In the above picture, his back side is kind of roundish.
Without needing to be the center of attention all the time, he does enjoy hanging with the kids. Cedar just watches over them. Makes sure all is good, maybe with the exceptional interruption in their game.
Laying at the back door. I love this one. I hope he keeps this place as time goes on.
There are certainly more to come. In fact I believe I have another two blogs just about ready to go, but this is all for tonight. Thanks for enjoying him with us!
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