Just before the end of school, Orion decided he wanted his hair cut. Short. Well, in full disclosure, he has wanted his hair cut for a long time. I suppose you could say I finally decided I could part with his lovely, long, light locks. Even now when I see the long hair, I miss it. I loved it.
He does look significantly older with shorter hair. And that's good. But it is just a reminder that time is flying by.
I love that the kids are becoming more independent, but it is hard to believe they are going to be in 3rd and 4th grade in just a few short days.
Zac got a new (used) amp a while back. It is pretty.
The beautiful textured soft brown leather. The shiny criss-cross pattern of the speaker mesh. I love how the mesh goes into and out of focus in the picture above. The fuzziness of the out of focus portions and the fact that you can still see the lines created by the weave are pleasing, peaceful to my eyes and my energy.
I don't know about them.
This plant. It's nice. :)
I do know that I love it enough that I keep taking pictures of it. I also posted about it a few years ago: Plants and Food (So basically just plants :)
(That's a definite no no. I used two smiley faces in one section...but I smiled when I typed it. So it must be okay, right?)
Back to the plant - I love seeing it in awesome evening light!
A special one, this flower is.
Orion and Maebelle came up with creations for the Lego contest at The Toy Store over the summer.
Orion sure does love Legos.
Aren't these little succulents adorable? They bring such a beautiful life to these windows. We have them below the wheat stained glass and they work perfectly there. So peacefully hanging.
Lilies! They are finished blooming for the season but they were so vibrant while they lasted.
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