Saturday, February 4, 2012

Butternut Squash Bisque

In mid December I made Butternut Squash Bisque for the first time. 

It is an intense process. But I loved it!

Cutting all the onion and squash is almost therapeutic.

I love when the onions start to turn translucent. The lines through them are beautiful and the color as they brown is so rich, yet subtle.

Juicing the orange. The shape and textures of the orange against the shiny smooth glass...delightful!

And boy was it tasty. I love the creaminess of this bisque. Well, and the sweetness. I always like when there's sweetness. :)

Great success!

The Little Man and Adventures with Applesauce

Back in December when I still had weekdays off, I kept Orion home one day and we read a Highlights magazine together.

They always want to do the crafts and recipes in those magazines and I remembered that we had an abundance of apples.

So we decided making applesauce was a great thing to do together. Orion loves anything having to do with fruit and this would be a wonderful warm treat.

I cut the apples into quarters and took the cores out, then Orion was excited to dice them into smaller pieces. And he did an amazing job!

We peeled some of the apples and what we peeled off, Orion had for a treat while we were working. :)

Add butter, cinnamon and sugar for maximum flavor.

Stir very carefully.

And play while it bakes!

Then I forgot to take a picture of the final tasty product. But I will tell you it was deliciousness. It was also an outstanding day with the little man. I love family time. So important.

*a sigh and a smile*