How cool is this?!

Maebelle was so excited for me! I have two on there - the second one, Zac holding the kids and the last one, Maebelle and another little girl painting. (Click on it to see it better.)
Zac left for San Francisco the day this magnolia started blooming, so I took some photos for him. However, it rained almost every day the week he was gone. And it was hard thunderstorm rain that just ruined the beautiful flowers.
Easter was great. Maebelle and Orion had lots of fun finding eggs. Maebelle is independent enough that I can't usually follow her around taking photos, but Orion still lets me hang out with him.
He's starting to look a little tired. He still needs naps, even if he doesn't always want to take them.
But he sometimes is most loving at those moments...he slows down enough for a hug, or sit on my lap. I am thankful for times like that. Even if they could possibly be followed by a fit because we pushed it just barely too long. I love that little man, and can't believe how quickly he is growing!
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