Friday, November 21, 2008

Days Gone By

I don't know why, but I have been feeling awfully nostalgic these last few days. First of all, I miss snow. I know we were only in Alaska for a year, but when there is snow on the ground 6 or 7 months out of the year, it was easy to get used to. And now that it's a little cold out, I want snow on the ground.

And although it does get dark early here, there was something I loved about having sunrise and sunset all day long. Even though the day was only 4 or 5 hours long. Photos taken in the middle of the day had a certain feel. And being so close to mountains. Hmmm...

Not only have I been missing Alaska, but it seems that time is just going too quickly. Orion has been going potty in the toilet. He is still wearing diapers, but every time we put him up there, he goes. Just yesterday he was so little.

And Maebelle recently got some clothes that are size 3T. Her pants finally fit her. She has always been so thin that pants haven't fit her well. They have always been so big around the waist and so short. But her 3T pants, they fit her. And she looks like a kid. She'll be 3. 3 years old, in 1 week. Her face used to be so round. So much like Orion's is now.

Life has been so good to us. I could not ask for more. (Smile.)

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