My husband's father is a wonderful person. He is a person that I can share a smile or a glance with when the kids do something silly or amazing. He and I can gang up on my husband to have a good laugh. He is always a source of encouragement if I need it. And a lot of times even when I don't. He is genuine and charasmatic. He also happens to be a passionate luthier.

He recently finished an incredible guitar for his daughter, who is a brilliant singer/songwriter. She lives in Fairbanks, Alaska. Before it was sent to her, I had the privilege to take some photos of it. It yearned to be photographed as a piece of art.

Hearing it sing and bellow as my husband and various others played it geared me up for photographing it. The guitar was built with such care and thought that it was about as close to perfect as you could get. The details of this instrument make it stunning.

As if the striking ebony pickguard, the fascinating ripple and swirl of the zircote and cocobolo grain, the triangular sound hole, and open gear tuners aren't enough, the choice of lotus flower inlay on the pickguard adds allure.

It's a wonderful piece of art. A piece of art that will be enjoyed by many, many people throughout its long life. Not only for it's beautiful melodies, sustaining rhythms, and playability, but also for its visual appeal. Thank you, Scot and Hannah for letting me capture your creation.