Sunday, November 4, 2012

Camping, Pumpkins and Candy

Last weekend, Zac took Orion camping. It was a cold trip, but they had a blast!

Orion got to do some adventuresome climbing! The ground was only about 25 feet down. ;)

His favorite part of the camping was going on this hike.

We have this beautiful hibiscus blooming in our dining room. It seems so delicate and flowy and pretty. And in this picture, I love the depth - the bright outside petals, and the dense middle. So beautiful!

On Halloween, Mom and I went to lunch, then to watch the kids' Halloween parade and parties. It was wonderful to have an hour to just visit with her. We don't get to do that often enough.

The kids paraded around the gym of the school, which wasn't as much fun as parading outside, like they did last year. But it was fun to get to see all of the costumes. Orion was Peter Pan and Maebelle was Wendy. 

Then back to the classrooms to have treats and fun afternoons!

Back tracking here, but while Zac and Orion were camping, Maebelle and I went shopping for fabric for her costume and we made it that weekend. It is so soft and something she'll be able to use all winter hopefully!

Halloween was an early release day, so Orion asked to be picked up right after school instead of going to Boys and Girls Club. Maebelle loves Boys and Girls Club and wanted to stay for it. When Orion and I got home, just us two, we decided to carve the pumpkin that he has been waiting to carve for almost 2 weeks now.

Then when Maebelle came home from Boys and Girls Club, she got to carve hers.

They did a wonderful job. They drew the face themselves, then pretty much did all of the carving. :)

They are getting so big!

After a short dinner of sandwiches, we got costumes on and ready to go trick or treating!

We decided to try going around our block here since it's new territory this year. Last year we tried to trick or treat in our neighborhood, but there were no lights on at all.

So this year, we started out and sure enough, we found plenty of houses with lights on. We really only went around the block. It took about an hour, which was plenty long enough. The kids were tired by the time we got home, but their strength and patience lasted the full hour.

And as far as candy goes, they found plenty! Their bags were heavy by the end and they each had a large pile when they dumped them out on the table.

It was a fun night! And Maebelle and Orion actually got to wear their costumes to a neighborhood party last Sunday and a friend's party yesterday. So we got good use out of them. :)

Hope you are having a wonderful fall!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fall Leaves!

So Maebelle lost her sixth tooth a few weeks ago.

I love this next one. She is so sweet!

We decided to rake some leaves last week. We didn't actually have anything to put them in so they are spread back out around the yard now along with about a million other leaves that have blown into our yard. But the kids loved playing in them this day!

Orion definitely threw armfuls of leaves at Maebelle more times than Maebelle threw armfuls at Orion. Not surprisingly. :)

They threw armfuls of leaves at each other over and over and over. I don't even know how many times. I thought for sure they'd get worn out, but no. And like any good kid, eventually they turned on me. Sorry, Maebelle, for cutting off your face. I didn't have much time to snap the shot before I needed to run and hide the camera. :)

And the lonely pile that attack left behind:

What a cheesy smile, Orion!

LOVE this next one. It is truly Orion to me:

These flowers Zac brought me one night. Oh how I love him!

Halloween pictures to come soon!