At Josh's birthday party in May, I got a great shot of Grandpa. I love it. He wasn't overly thrilled that I was taking his picture, but it turned out awesome! Thank you Grandpa, for letting me capture this one!
I also got this beautiful shot go Grandma in December. Oh, how I love these two pictures!
We decided to take a few last shots of Maebelle with her two baby front teeth, but the best shot was this one of her not showing her teeth. :)
This next one is actually the last picture of there with her two baby front teeth.
Orion at his Preschool Graduation...
The evening before the last day of school, Maebelle pulled out her front tooth. She looks so cute without it.
It was sooooo good to get to look at these pictures and post them. I very much miss having ample time to take pictures and all that entails. I will definitely go to bed with a smile on my face and in my heart this evening. :) Goodnight