These sunflowers are so perfect...amazing!
There are times when I can get a good shots of one of the kids or the other (but never both at the same time). This evening was Maebelle's turn. She was just in the right place at the right time. For a long while, it was Orion that would allow me to take his picture. But lately Orion has avoided my camera and Maebelle has been agreeable.
Zac was asked to play at the 36th anniversary party at
The Merc. He played for over an hour and we had a great time dancing and listening to him play.
The kids had a chocolate while we were there. They are big round balls and while most people bite into them, savoring the flavor, these kids like to put the whole thing in their mouth. And usually they store it in their cheek like a little chipmunk for a few minutes before chomping them up and swallow them down in no time. It looks so funny!
Maebelle decided that I could take her picture if she could make silly faces. The Merc cafe has the best light!
Hope you're having a happy fall! The weather has been great - perfect for fall portraits! Get in touch if you are wanting to get something done before the cold weather sets in. The holiday season is just around the corner and cards created just for you are a perfect way to say hey during the holidays!