Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Birds and Mushrooms!

A couple of months ago we received a call from a friend saying they had baby humming birds in a nest. Would we like to stop by to take some pictures? When we got there the birds were on a low branch, but I was still too short to get a shot straight on. What I got was all from below...

A couple of weeks later I spoke to that friend again and he told me that the birds left the nest the next morning. Glad I got them when I did! Next are some mushrooms that were absolutely delightful! I love the colors and shapes.

Some of them looked like pancakes.

And I was bored around the house one evening and took this one of a plant on our deck. I love the green and the wrinkles in the leaves. Anyhow, hope you have a beautiful week and are enjoying this wonderful fall weather!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Olivia - 2 Years Old

Last year when we took Olivia's photos, it was cold and windy (above). This year, the weather was much more appropriate to be running around with a 2 year old! Olivia was kind of shy on this particular day. No idea why. She's not usually shy with us. I suppose it was the camera. This was what the first half of the session looked like from my point of view. :)

Finally she opened up a little when I played peek-a-boo with her around the tree.

Truly happy!

I love the way her hair is blowing ever so slightly in the next one. And the vibrant, colorful dress was a perfect choice for the sunny, green day!

What a sweetheart she is! I am glad I had the opportunity to take her pictures again this year!