Sometimes I have to consciously remember to be thankful. Not thankful when someone does something nice, but thankful for the small things in life. There are a lot of things in my life that I am grateful for. And I was thinking about them the other day. I love the sound of our wind chimes. They seem to relieve stress throughout the day while I am hanging out in the living room. I can hear them every time the wind blows. In an odd way it's like they connect me to nature. Even if I can't feel the wind blowing, I know it's there.

I am also thankful for stormy days. When we lived in Alaska, there weren't stormy days like there are here in Kansas. It's amazing how much one can need a thunderstorm. I guess I don't know that anyone else needs thunderstorms, but I do. Stormy days are nice, refreshing. Out with the old, stale, hot air and in with the fresh breeze, smelling earthy. And the light on stormy days is incredible.

Zac is the love of my life, my best friend. We laugh together, love the kids together, discipline together, play together, but most importantly, we talk. We talk about everything together. We bring each other back when we're getting too serious and when we're getting too crazy. He is my rock. I can cry on him when times are tough, confide in him when I need to. I love Zac with everything I have. And I appreciate everything he does for me and for our family.

Not only am I thankful for Zac, but also for time with him and the kids when we get to hang out. Drives in the truck are some of the best times we have as a family. They are peaceful and they remind me what home is. Home is our family. Not our house.

These last couple of years have been the best of my life. Having the opportunity to stay home with the kids has been wonderful. Not many adults get to play in the rain.

Not only do we get to play in the rain, but we get to have hot chocolate and marshmallows afterwards (in the middle of August.)

Days like play in the rain days and goo days are my favorites with the kids. They make life worth living. Goo just makes you smile. I made it for the kids, but found myself playing too. The smiles on their faces were just so genuine that I couldn't help myself. Who could resist doing something that makes you that happy?

These are the things I am most thanful for. I am thankful for my 3 best friends, Zac, Maebelle and Orion and the time I get to spend with them.